
Ours To Protect [Week 24]

Welcome to another episode of Ours To Protect, as we take a closer look at biodiversity and sustainability in Co Clare.

Renewable energy companies across the country are offering customers alternative and greener options for powering and heating their homes.

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Energywise Ireland is one such company and is also registered with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland as a One Stop Shop offering homeowners all the services required for a complete home energy upgrade.

Everyone is tired of soaring energy bills but there are ways of reducing those costs and advice is always at hand.

Pat Flynn spoke with Berth Sheehy, CEO of Energywise Ireland.


* Renewable energy companies are offering alternative and greener options for powering and heating homes.

* There are many options available to help reduce your carbon footprint at home while reducing your running costs and save money.

* Many people might not realise, while solar panels perform most efficiently in direct sunlight, but they can also function without it.

* Heat generators are also a popular option for efficiently heating your home and no gas or oil is burned in the process.

* Seeking sound advice is very important. Seek out a company registered with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland as a One Stop Shop which offers homeowners all the services required for a complete home energy upgrade.


Energywise Ireland

Greener Clare

Clare FM – Ours To Protect

