Cragg, Lissycasey and formerly of Parnell Street, Ennis.
Predeceased by her children James and Geraldine and much loved sister Irene and brother Vincent. Deeply regretted by her loving husband Michael, her son Michael and daughter Niamh, daughter in law Patricia, grandchildren Colin and Aaron, brothers Liam and Sean, brother in law Matthew, sisters in law Marie, Mary and Marie, nephews, nieces, cousins, neighbours and many loving friends.
Reposing at St. Michael’s Church Kilmihil on Friday the 17th June from 6pm with prayers at 8pm. Requiem Mass on Saturday at 11am followed with burial afterwards in Lissycasey cemetery.
House Private Please. Family flowers only.
The Mass can be viewed on the Kilmihil Facebook Page
O’Halloran Undertakers – Kilmihil (065) 9050022