Clounlaheen, Doonogan, Mullagh. Peacefully at Cahercalla Nursing Home Ennis.
Wife of the late Pat Joe. Deeply regretted by her loving family, sons, Tom and P.J., daughters, Carmel, Berrie and Frances, sons-in-law, John Cunningham, Barney McCabe, John Barry and Ber Cleary, daughters-in-law, Marie and Marie, brother Pat Joe Kearney (England), nephew, Michael Kearney (England), her adored 22 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren. predeceased by her husband Pat Joe, daughters, Marian and Anne, grandson Rory, her parents Paddy and Mary Kearney & her uncle Martin Kearney. Rest in Peace.
Funeral Mass on Thursday at 12noon in the Most Holy Redeemer Church Coore, followed by reposing until 3.30pm, burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
House private please. Donations if desired, to Cahercalla Nursing Home.
Mary’s Funeral Mass can be viewed on the funerals live website. Messages of sympathy can be sent to McMahon Funeral Directors Mullagh.
Further enquiries to McMahon Undertakers, Joseph – Mullagh on (087) 745 7459.