Derryfadda, Clonlara and formerly of Gooig, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick.
Peacefully after a long illness, in the compassionate care of the staff at Mooncoin Nursing Home, surrounded by her loving family.
Sadly & fondly missed by her heartbroken sons, Paul & Kieran, daughters Siobhan, Deirdre and Oonagh, brother Pat, sisters-in-law and brother-in-law, grandchildren, nephews & nieces.
Predeceased by her loving husband Vincent, brothers Malachy, Tommy and Matthew, sisters Mary, Sheila, Lily and sadly missed by her extended family, kind neighbours & friends.
Suaimhneas síoraí dá hanam uasal agus leaba i measc na naomh go raibh aici.
May she Rest in Peace.
Gretta will repose at McMahon’s Funeral Home Blackwater, this Monday evening, October 21st from 6pm to 7.30pm, followed by removal to St. Senan’s Church Clonlara.
Funeral mass, Tuesday 22nd at 11a.m followed by burial in Doonass Cemetery.
Funeral Mass can be viewed live online.
Messages of sympathy can be sent to Mc Mahon Funeral Directors.
Further enquiries to McMahon’s Funeral Furnishers, Blackwater/Sixmilebridge – (087) 2847932