Witness Walks Out of Bailey High Court Action

Marie Farrell has dramatically walked out of Ian Bailey's High Court action mid cross-examination.

The married shopkeeper quit the witness box rather than reveal the name of the man she was with on the morning of Sophie Toscan du Plantier's murder in December 1996.


This was Marie Farrell's seventh day in the witness box and it couldn't have ended any more sensationally.

Under cross examination she was asked to reveal who she was with when she saw a man on Kealfadda Bridge at 3am on the morning of Sophie Toscan du Plantier's murder, 18 years ago.

Mr Justice John Hedigan reminded the witness of her oath to tell the truth.

Marie Farrell's response was 'I'm going, I'm having nothing more to do with it,' and she walked from the court room.

The shopkeeper's evidence is that she was put under pressure by gardai to falsely identify Ian Bailey as the man she'd witnessed on the bridge that morning.

He's suing the State and Garda Commisioner for alleged wrongful arrest over the killing of the French film producer.