Vacant or existing housing stock in the county has been identified as a possible solution to the housing shortage in Clare.
It follows an ESRI report which warns that there won't be enough houses built to meet demand until at least 2018.
It comes as fresh concerns are raised about a shortage of housing in Clare.
The latest ESRI report predicts economic growth of around 5 per cent this year but warns that there needs to be high level intervention in the housing shortage.
The relaxing of the new mortgage lending rules, which mean first time buyers need a ten per cent deposit, has been indicated as a possible solution to the problem but one Ennis Estate Agent says that won't resolve the issue in Clare.
Cormac O'Sullivan of DNG O'Sullivan Hurley says demand for housing is high here, but the cost of building a home is still more than its market value.
Vacant properties in the county have also been identified as a possible solution to the social housing crisis.
300 families are on the waiting list for housing in the Shannon area alone, with around 4000 waiting for accomodation county wide.
Shannon Councillor Mike McKee is calling for pressure to be put on landlords to to ensure those who are hoping to rent accommodation are treated fairly, in order to ease the burden on the housing list.
He says hopes that measures preventing landlords from refusing rent allowance need to be enforced.
Separately, the Government has been offered 5 billion Euro by Ireland's Credit Unions to tackle the housing crisis.
They say the money could be used to build thousands of homes over the next six years and won't show up on the State’s official borrowing books.