UL Hospitals Group Publishes Five-Year Plan To Build On Promise Of Sláintecare

Patient flow and integrated care are among the key priorities contained in the UL Hospital Group’s new five-year strategic plan.

The plan, published today, commits mangement and staff to improving patient experience in the Midwest, in line with Sláintecare reform.

The UL Hospitals Group provides acute hospital care to a population of approximately 410,000 from a network of six hospitals across Limerick, Clare and North Tipperary.


Together they employ around 6,000 people.

From early next year, public acute and community health services aross the region will be integrated under a new entity, HSE Mid West.

The ULHG’s 2023 to 2027 Strategic Plan was aligned with the national plan and is inspired by the promise of Sláintecare, to organise health services according to local population need, and on the principal of being treated as close to home as possible.

The plan is based on four strategic priorities, namely Patient Experience and Public Engagement, People Performance and Culture, the Academic Health Science System and Developing an Integrated Care System.

In a statement to Clare FM, the CEO of the UL Hospitals Group says while broad strategic goals such as these might seem aspirational at first glance, they are not publishing this five-year plan in order to leave it on the shelf.

Professor Colette Cowan says staff across the organisation are committed to living it and delivering it in the interests of their patients.