
Tulla Students Out Around €18,000 Due To Delay In Ryanair Refunds

Ryanair is being called on to resolve ongoing issues with refunds for 90 secondary school children in Clare.

The Transition Year Students and their families say their still awaiting on around 20,000 euro, despite Ryanair’s boss insisting this week that there’s no backlog.

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Earlier this week, Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary insisted that the airline has refunded all customers who had flights cancelled last year.

He even went as far as to say those who claim they didn’t get their money back isn’t telling the truth.

But a number of customers remain out of pocket, among them a group of 90 students in Tulla who are owed an estimated 18,000 euro combined.

The group of transition years from St Joseph’s Secondary School were due to fly to Barcelona Spain last April for their school tour, but the trip was cancelled after the Spanish Government stopped all flights in and out of the country’s airports.

Jane O’Halloran Ryan’s son Michael was among the student from Tulla who were due to travel.

She says they’ve received compensation from their travel agent in respect of accommodation and food costs, but they’re still waiting for the money for their Ryanair flight.

The Irish Travel Agents Association is asking Ryanair for transparency with regard to refunds, to resolve ongoing issues for consumers and travel agents alike.

One of it’s members Maura Fahy, from Fahy Travel on Galway says there’s no excuse at this stage for any delays.
