HIQA has published the terms of reference for its review of urgent and emergency care in the Midwest region.
It’s stated the review will “inform decision-making around the design and delivery of urgent and emergency healthcare services” in this region – including the case for a second emergency department.
The Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly requested in May of this year that the Health and Information Quality Authority conduct a review of urgent and emergency care in the Midwest with the primary objective of ensuring safe quality acute care in the region.
As part of the review, the independent health and social care regulator has been requested to consider the case for a second emergency department in the region.
In addition, the review has been asked to consider the recommendations of the HSE-commissioned review by former Chief Justice Frank Clarke into the circumstances of the death of Shannon teenager Aoife Johnston at University Hospital Limerick’s Emergency Department in December 2022.
Eights terms of reference have been determined for the conduct of HIQA’s review.
These include reviewing the current relevant national and internal evidence to ensure an evidence-based rationale for any recommendations, to establish an Expert Advisory Group containing patient representatives and operational clinical and nursing expertise, and to consult with key stakeholders in the region.
The terms of reference state that engagement will take place with the relevant clinical community through the establishment of a Clinical Advisory Forum and that compliance with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare will be monitored.
It’s also stated that appropriate specialist expertise external to HIQA will be utilised and that the findings of the Frank Clarke report will be considered.
Following completion of the review, a report of the findings and recommendations will be provided to the Minister for Health and published in the summer of 2025.