
Taoiseach Acknowledges Ennis Hospital Part Of Solution To UHL Overcrowding

The Taoiseach says part of the solution to the overcrowding crisis at the region’s main hospital is greater use of facilities in Ennis and Nenagh.

University Hospital Limerick has come into sharp focus once again, following record-breaking trolley numbers earlier this week.

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A number of elective surgeries at Ennis Hospital and other UL Hospitals Group sites have been postponed today, as the UL Hospitals Group continues to manage a significant level of demand for emergency care.

In line with the Group’s Escalation Framework, all elective lists at Ennis, with the exception of Endoscopy are postponed, while activity is also reduced at UHL with the exception of cancer and emergency theatre lists.

Scariff Deputy Michael McNamara told the Dáil earlier today that the move was made without the surgical teams in Ennis being informed and Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says this wouldn’t normally be the case.

You can listen to the address below.

The UL Hospitals Group has released a statement on the cancellations at Ennis and St John’s.

A NUMBER of elective surgeries at Ennis Hospital and other UL Hospitals Group sites have been postponed today (Wednesday) as UL Hospitals Group continues to manage a significant level of demand for emergency care as widely reported over recent days.

In line with the Group’s Escalation Framework, all elective lists at Ennis with the exception of Endoscopy are postponed. In addition, there have been some elective curtailments at St John’s Hospital and activity is also reduced at UHL with the exception of cancer and emergency theatre lists.

In light of the continued high demand for emergency care, scheduled activity across all our sites is being continuously reviewed in line with our Escalation Framework. All patients impacted by cancellations are being contacted directly by our staff.

We are sorry to those patients who are impacted by cancellation of a surgical appointment, especially those who have already been waiting for a long time. We will endeavour to re-schedule all cancelled appointments at the earliest possible opportunity.

As our teams work to manage attendances for unscheduled care at our Emergency Department—which yesterday totalled 233, following 229 (Monday) and 225 (Sunday)—our teams are working hard to ensure patient flow within and across our hospitals, and it’s hoped that we will be able to restore our scheduled care services to full capacity as soon as possible.
