Supermac’s has withdrawn its plans for a €10 million motorway service station on the outskirts of Ennis, and will start from scratch again.
The fast-food giant will now make a fourth application for a Barack Obama Plaza-style development at Kilbreckan, adjacent to the M18 motorway.
It’s back to the drawing board for Supermac’s, which is again withdrawing its plans in respect of the site near Junction 12 of the M18 motorway.
The move comes after they were asked for further information by Clare County Council, with the local authority seeking details on issues including the pumping of sewage, the free flow of traffic, and parking for buses.
Supermac’s Ireland Ltd has told Clare FM it was felt that the elements required under this request would be best dealt with as part of a new application.
The next planning application will be a fourth for the site.
Another previous application was also withdrawn, and a Council decision to grant the initial application was later overturned by An Bord Pleanala in 2016.
Supermac’s has said their development will create 100 jobs once open, along with around 80 more during construction.
This application was the subject of intense scrutiny last summer when at least 27 submissions of support for the project were withdrawn, after many of those whose names were on the letters said they didn’t sign them.
A Garda investigation into that matter is still ongoing.
It was felt that the elements required under the further information request would be best dealt with as part of a new application.