
Stormy Weather Set To Return

Clare is facing another wet and stormy weekend.

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In some areas, local authorities are preparing for potential flooding as a result of heavy rain and high tides.

Members of the public are also being warned to take care when going near exposed coastal areas, with the bad weather expected to hit tomorrow, and high tides set to peak over the weekend.

Forecasters are warning the stormy conditions could last into the early days of next week.

Meanwhile, used car tyres could soon be used as a defence against flooding and erosion in Clare.

Suggestions have been made that old tyres could be placed in ports and along coasts and rivers, a measure already which is already used successfully in the likes of Australia, the United States and Israel.

Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey wants the government to consider his suggestion on a trial basis, and has already discussed it with Junior Finance Minister Brian Hayes, who has responsibility for the Office of Public Works.
