
Spending On Dental Care For Clare Medical Card Holders Rises By 27% In Year To June

The amount spent on dental care for medical card patients in Clare has risen by more than 27% in the year to June.

The latest figures from the HSE show that nearly €105,000 was paid to local participants in the Dental Treatment Services Scheme.

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A total of €104,792 was spent on providing dental care treatment to medical card holders in Clare last month.

This is a 27.1% increase on the €82,474 which was spent in January.

However, Clare has the fifth-lowest spending area in the country.

1,903 treatments were carried out for patients last month, 32% below the national average of 2,788 treatments.

Over €90,816 was spent on ‘above the line treatments’ and almost €13,975 was spent on ‘below the line’ treatments.

In total, Clare has spent €560,831 on dental care in the first six months of the year, an increase of €14,847 on the previous six months.
