
Some Time Before We Know Of Brexit-Related Bounce In The County.

The head of the IDA in the MidWest says it will be some time before we know if there will be a Brexit-related bounce in the Banner.

The head of the IDA in the MidWest says it will be some time before we know if there will be a Brexit-related bounce in the Banner.

The MidWest had the strongest level of jobs growth from Foreign Direct Investment companies last year, with over 17,000 people now employed by FDI companies in the region.
An additional 1,500 new net jobs were created in the region in  past 12 months, though the IDA has not revealed how many of the new jobs came here in Clare.
A number of companies have indicated an interest in moving to Ireland post Brexit and the IDA's MidWest Business & Relationship Manager, Niall O'Callaghan says that could provide opportunities for Clare.