A large-scale solar farm has been proposed for south Clare.
Meath-based renewable energy firm GP Joule Ireland has unveiled its plans for a solar farm on a site spanning over 100 hectares in rural Newmarket-on-Fergus.
The planning application submitted to Clare County Council is for a 109-hectare development at the townlands of Ballycar, Lislea, Killulla, Mogullaun, Crossagh, Ralahine South, Culleen, Drumline and Ballycasey Beg.
It’s stated the company is seeking planning permission for a 10-year development phase followed by a 40-year operational lifespan.
The project would primarily consist of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic panels on steel frames and would also feature 256 inverters supported by 24 electrical skid hardstands.
Also included in the application is a transformer compound to facilitate a connection to the existing Drumline Substation as well as an Independent Power Producer Building, a 110 kilovolt transformer and an 18-metre lighting monopole mast.
The applicant has outlined its intention to build roughly 8.6 kilometres of internal access tracks within the site, while six new site entrances are also proposed to link directly to the public road network.
February 25th 2025 is the application’s decision due date while submissions must be made to the local authority by February 2nd.