Members of the public will be given the opportunity to have their say on the latest project under the Kilkee Town and Village Renewal Scheme.
A public consultation session is being held on the proposals surrounding the Carrigaholt Road Roundabout in Kilkee.
Proposals on the Carrigaholt Road Roundabout, which include safety and landscaping works and the installation of an art piece to act as a focal point, are being revealed to the public next week.
The works are being carried out under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme and overseen by the planning section of Clare County Council.
It’s part of ‘Towards a Better Kilkee’, a town improvement and economic development strategy covering the ten years from 2014.
The project is expected to be completed by mid-2017 and is one of four community infrastructure projects in Shannon, Kilkee, Clarecastle and Scarriff benefitting from funding under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme
Members of the public will get the chance to have their say on the project at Cultúrlann Sweeney Kilkee, between 5 and 8pm next Wednesday (8th).