
Public Order Offences In Clare Jump By Nearly 50% In First Three Months Of 2022

The number of public order offences in Clare jumped by nearly 50 percent in the first three months of the year.

New crime data from the Central Statistics Office suggests 117 such offences were recorded by Gardaí in this county between January and March.

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Members of Clare’s Joint Policing Committee have been told to expect these type of offences to increase as society opens up amid a lifting of pandemic restrictions.

Those predictions have borne out to be true, with the 117 public order issues recorded here in the first quarter of 2022 a 48 percent jump on similar offences between October and December.

However, it’s still lower than other quarters in the last number of years, with those type of offences seemingly increasing here during the spring and summer period.

The CSO also details how theft and burglary levels in the county, although still high, remain below pre-pandemic levels.

Drug offences and criminal damage issues have remained steady, while the number of motorists caught drink-driving has increased slightly.

While the number of fraud and economic offences had spiked significantly towards the end of last year, it’s levelled off somewhat, though is still much higher than levels seen previously.
