
Potential Extension Of RPZs To Clare Encouraging New Wave Of Landlords To Leave The Market

It’s claimed the potential extension of Rent Pressure Zones to Clare is causing a new wave of landlords to exit the market here.

Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien has said he’s sought legal advice on broadening the rules and that a blanket RPZ nationwide or another mechanism for setting rents is being examined.

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A new report from the Residential Tenancies Board shows the county’s year-on-year rent increases in the third quarter of 2021 were the third highest in the country, with monthly costs for renters shooting up by 17.5% on the same period last year.

Ennis is already close to meeting the criteria for becoming an RPZ and Ennis Auctioneer Cormac O’Sullivan has been telling Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill that this is leading to turbulence in the market.
