
Plans For Rents Caps Could Be Scrapped This Afternoon

Plans for a cap on rent increases could be scrapped this afternoon – just two days after being published.

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Plans for a cap on rent increases could be scrapped this afternoon – just two days after being published.

Fine Gael is set to abandon the idea unless Fianna Fáil agrees to set the cap at 4 per cent.

Fine Gael says it won’t back down from its plan for a 4% cap on rent increases in Dublin and Cork. It says if the cap goes any lower, landlords will be scared off.

But Fianna Fáil says 4% is too high – and has arranged a Dáil vote for this afternoon, on lowering it to 2%.

And last night Enda Kenny  – told Fine Gael TDs that unless the cap stays at 4%, the plan will be scrapped entirely.

One possible compromise is that the 4% limit could remain – in exchange for an agreement to extend the rent caps to Galway, Limerick and Waterford straight away.
