Planning permission is being sought to develop 61 houses in East Clare.
An application has been lodged with Clare County Council for the housing estate in Kilkishen.
Sandford Properties Ltd. is seeking to build the 61-unit development at a site on the Tulla Road, Teeronea, Kilkishen.
The application includes plans for 3 single storey houses, 9 two-storey terraced houses, 8 semi-detatched two-storey homes with an attic conversion, 2 two-storey corner houses, 5 two-storey units, 16 two-storey semi-detatched dwellings with an attic room and 16 two-storeys without an attic room.
This application also seeks permission for a change of use, extension to and re-modelling of two existing derelict dwelling houses constructed on site.
The developers are looking to redesign the derelict buildings to include a doctor’s surgery with 2 two-bedroom apartments overhead at first floor level.
This development site is adjoining the protected structure known as ‘The Old Forge’, in Kilkishen.
The application is currently at pre-validation stage and once it’s been accepted by Clare County Council, a decision is due at the end of April.