An Bord Pleanala has upheld a decision by Clare County Council to refuse permission for an unmanned filling station on the outskirts of Ennis.
Emo Oil, trading as Great Gas, had sought permission to construct the facility at No. 1 The Hawthorns on the Limerick Road.
Twenty parties, many of them local residents, had appealed to Clare County Council when it was considering an application for this development.
The unmanned petrol station was to include two pumps, underground storage tanks and other associated works and the company had stated that it would operate on a 24/7 basis.
In September thoguh, Clare County Council rejected their application and now that decision has been affirmed by An Bord Pleanala, following an appeal.
The group’s report says the filling station would run contrary to the designated residential zoning of the land in question, while there were also concerns that the station would also endanger public safety by creating a traffic hazard, as it’s located near a roundabout.