
Planning Application Lodged For 100-Metre High Meteorological Mast In East Clare

A planning application has been submitted for the erection of a meteorological mast in East Clare.

If granted approval, the mast would measure 100 metres in height and would remain in place for five years for the purpose of monitoring climate conditions in the region.

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The application was lodged by MKO Planning and Environmental Consultants on behalf of its client EDF Renewables Ireland on the 19th of October and is currently in the pre-validation stage.

As outlined in the application, the development would entail the erection of a temporary 100-metre high lattice type metereological mast, or met mast, which would be fixed to ground anchors by stay wires.

The site in question is situated in the townland of Killeagy 4.3 kilometres northwest of the village of Bridgetown, and is currently in use for livestock grazing with the owner listed as Ann Vaughan.

The application states that EDF Renewables is progressing plans for the development of a wind farm in the area of the mast and for this reason, the purpose of the mast is “to provide updated wind data for the site and inform the turbine selection process for the wind farm proposals” for a five-year period.

The future wind farm development is to be known as ‘Lackareagh Wind Farm’ and will feature a permanent meteorological mast for the operational life of the project.

Submissions to Clare County Council in relation to the project must be made by the 22nd of November while the decision due date is the 13th of January.
