People In Clare Had More Disposable Income In 2020 Than Height Of Boom

Photo (c) Kikinunchi via

People in Clare had more disposable income during the first year of the pandemic than at the height of the boom in 2008.

New figures from the Central Statistics Office show residents of this county were taking home almost €30,000 on average at the end of 2020.

The average income earned by those living in Clare totalled €29,766 in 2020.



Of this, almost €21,500 was classified as disposable income – the highest figure since the boom in 2008 which saw Clare residents disposable income hit almost €20,200.

This county’s earners experienced their lowest income level in 2013 – the middle of the recession – when the average total income was almost 22,500, while disposable income dipped to just over 16,000.

This means that after tax, people in this county are now 28% better off than during the economic crisis.

The gap between Clare’s disposable income and the national average has halved between 2019 and 2020, with earners in Clare now just 5% below this marker.

Total household income in Clare in 2020 was almost 3.7 million euro.