Pensioner Outlines Impact Of Limerick Crash

A judge has called the victim impact statement of a pensioner who suffered profound injuries when he was hit by a car in South East Clare as one of the most harrowing he has ever heard.

The car driven by 26-year-old Michael Sheehan of Cliona Park, Moyross hit three men in the village of Parteen on September 25th last, leaving one with serious head injuries and another, 79-year-old Eric Ryan, with an amputated leg.


In a victim impact statement read out at Limerick Circuit Court, Mr. Ryan outlined how he is now completely dependent, and how he would never again go up the stairs in his house, or even make a cup of tea because of what was called "Michael Sheehan's reckless, out of control and selfish actions".

The 25-year-old has pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing injury to both men, as well as to a number of burglaries, and will be sentenced in October.