
Patients Urged To Consider Care Options As Long Waits Experienced At UHL

The UL Hospitals Group is appealing to people to consider all their care options before presenting to the Emergency Department at the region’s main hospital.

University Hospital Limerick is managing high volumes of patients, many of those frail elderly patients with chronic conditions and complex care needs.

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The UL Hospitals Group has apologised for any distress or inconvenience caused to patients or their loved ones who have experienced long wait times in the ED.

The Dooradoyle facility has remained one of the most overcrowded in the country since the beginning of the year, and hospital management are reassuring patients and their families that they’re working to alleviate the situation.

They’re asking people to consider all their care options at this time and not to attend the Emergency Department unless necessary.

People are being encouraged to contact their GP or GP out of hours service in the first instance, and to make use of the Injury Unit or the Medical Assessment Unit at Ennis General Hospital.

Anyone who is seriously injured or ill or is worried that their life is at risk, will be assessed and treated as a priority in the ED.
