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Saturday, June 15, 2024

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    Saturday, 20:00 -21:59


Criticism for Biden Shannon Stop Over

The recent stop off by the US Vice President Joe Biden to greet military troops at Shannon Airport is coming in for criticism. Mr...

Shannon Activist Vows to Continue Fight

A Shannon activist has vowed to continue his fight against the alleged use of Shannon Airport by CIA rendition flights Edward Horgan was...

Government to Apply for EU Funding

An application for EU Funding to help retrain hundreds of out of work Dell employees in the Mid West is set to be made...

Money Back for Ennis Shoppers

Ennis shoppers are set to get some "money back" for splashing their cash. Consumers, who spend over 20 euro on goods and services in...

HSE Plans for Ennis General Proceed

Plans for endoscopy services at Ennis General as part of the overall capital development of Clare's County Hospital have stepped up a gear.. The...

Clare Bus Routes to be Cut

Bus services from Limerick to Shannon could be affected by Bus Éireann Plans to cut back on routes. According to newspaper reports, the company...

Funding Boost for Killaloe

Community Childcare services in South East Clare have received a major boost with the approval of 900 thousand euro in funding for pre and...

Ennis East Candidates go Head to Head

Candidates contesting the local elections in a new divided Ennis area will give their views on the boundary changes, as they debate the big...

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