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Monday, June 17, 2024

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  • The Colum McGrath Breakfast Show
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Monday, 06:00 -08:59


Economic recovery on the menu for Chamber of Commerce dinner.

Economic recovery is the theme for tonight's President's Dinner at Ennis Chamber of Commerce. New President Guy Flouch will officially take on the...

Grenade thrown into house in Ennis.

Gardai in Ennis are appealing for witnesses after a live hand grenade was thrown into a house in Cloughliegh in the early hours...

Economic recovery on the menu for Chamber of Commerce dinner.

Economic recovery is the theme for tonight's President's Dinner at Ennis Chamber of Commerce. New President Guy Flouch will officially take on the...

Grenade thrown into house in Ennis.

Gardai in Ennis are appealing for witnesses after a live hand grenade was thrown into a house in Cloughliegh in the early hours...

Official Opening of Clarecastle National School

The occasion will also be the launch of the Public Art Project - a collection of commissioned mosaic plants and benches by Mountshannon...

Four Year Sentence for Clonlara Man

A South East Clare man has been has been jailed for 4 years at Limerick Circuit Criminal Court after Gardaí recovered almost 22,000 euro...

Reports of Aer Lingus Pullout from Shannon

It's being reported this morning that Aer Lingus is to cut all its flights from Shannon Airport to New York and Chicago for the...

Official Opening of Clarecastle National School

The community of Clarecastle is preparing to finally celebrate the end of a long battle to get a new national school in the village....

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