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Sunday, June 16, 2024

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  • The Big Weekend
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    Sunday, 14:00 -17:59


Entertainer Cilla Black has Died

Entertainer Cilla Black is reported to have died at her Spanish home. A post-mortem is being carried out on her body after...

Doubt Cast over Some Olympic Medals

One in three medals from the Olympics and World Championships have apparently been won by athletes who've given suspicious blood samples. The...

Passenger Jet makes emergency landing at Shannon

A passenger jet made an emergency landing at Shannon Airport this morning after declaring a medical emergency over the Atlantic. Air Berlin...

Shannon Senator Claims Ireland are failing the disabled

The Seanad has heard claims that Ireland has failed disabled people and their families. Shannon Fine Gael Senator Tony Mulcahy has called...

Clare Fianna Fáil Candidates Selected

Clare Fianna Fáil delegates have selected two candidates to run for the party in the upcoming General Election. Sitting TD Timmy Dooley...

Busy Weekend Expected at Shannon Airport

Over 40,000 people will pass through Shannon Airport this Bank Holiday weekend. Its one of the busiest weekend's in the Mid-West Airport's...

Irish Water Safety Urge People To Beware Of Tides and Rip Currents

Spring tides and rip currents may lead to dangerous conditions on Clare's coasts this weekend. August is the most popular month for...

Teenage Tourist Airlifted to Hospital After Cliff Fall

A teenage tourist has been airlifted to hospital after he fell from a cliff in Co Clare this morning. The 14-year-old boy,...

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