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Monday, June 17, 2024

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  • The Colum McGrath Breakfast Show
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Monday, 06:00 -08:59


Minister North And South Of Border Meet To Discuss Brexit

Ministers from north and south of the border are meeting this morning to discuss Brexit.  Enda Kenny and a number of ministers...

Clare TD Tells Dáil That Government Isn’t Doing Enough To Develop Rural Areas

Clare's Independent TD has told the Dail that the government is not doing enough to develop rural Ireland.  Dr. Michael Harty was...

Historic Cryogenic Ruling In The UK

A British girl has been cryogenically frozen after she won an historic legal fight, before her death from a rare form of cancer. ...

Hike In Americans Seeking Irish Move

Searches for Americans wanting to move to Ireland have trebled since Donald Trump was elected.  Indeed.com website says Ireland is the...

CPSU Insists There Is Enough Money For Pay Rises And Public Services

The CPSU claims there is enough money for both pay rises and public services. The union representing lower paid civil servants,...

Carey Says Shelving Of Limerick-Cork Motorway Was “Regrettable”

A Clare Fine Gael TD has described as "regrettable" the decision to shelve a major roads project in the region five years ago. ...

M18 Re-Opens Following Earlier Crash

The southbound lane of the M18 motorway has fully re-opened following an earlier accident.  The two car collision took place close...

Clare St Vincent DePaul Expects Increase In Demand In Coming Weeks

The Clare branch of Saint Vincent De Paul expects demand for its services to increase significantly during the coming weeks.  The society’s...

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