
Number Of Parking Fines In Clare More Than Halved In 2020

The number of parking fines handed out in Clare more than halved last year.

Nearly 60% of all fixed charge notices imposed in this county in 2020 were in Ennis.

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Up to the beginning of last month, there were just over a thousand parking fines given to motorists in this county in 2020 – up from more than two and a half thousand fixed charged notices in all of 2019.

More than half of this year’s fines were given for vehicle owners parking in fee paying car park without paying – with parking a vehicle in a prohibited place and parking in disabled bays among the other most common reasons for fines being imposed.

The majority of fines were issued in Ennis, in line with previous years, with Lahinch, Kilkee and Doolin accounting for more than 400 fixed charge penalties combined.

It means that the local authority’s income has also reduced by more than half, with just €44,000 coming into council coffers last year from parking fines, compared to more than €94,000 in 2019.

The Council says it has had extraordinary financial and cashflow impacts in the areas of commercial rates, income from goods and services and additional expenditure incurred in responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

The local authority say the reduction in traffic volumes throughout Clare during the year reflects the reduction in fines issued during the same period.

Statement from Clare County Council

“The Covid-19 pandemic and the associated public health measures has presented severe financial challenges for the Council and business communities as they deal with the economic impact and restrictions on business activity that, in planning for 2020, we could not possibly have foreseen or planned for.

The Council has had extraordinary financial and cashflow impacts in the areas of commercial rates, income from goods and services and additional expenditure incurred in responding to the crisis. One of the income sources particularly impacted at all locations in the county is parking income. Confirmation of Government funding to mitigate this shortfall is pending from our Government department and will be reported as part of the Annual Financial Statement 2020.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the associated public health measures resulted in a significant reduction in traffic levels during 2020. The reduction in parking fines issued during 2020 reflects this decrease in traffic levels.

Under the Temporary Covid-19 Town Centre Mobility Plan for Ennis additional car parking was introduced free of charge at the Cloister/GAA car park.

Free car parking was also introduced during the Christmas period after 2:00pm (in line with previous years).

The Market building car park was closed during the initial stages of the pandemic (from Mid-March to approx end May).”
