
Number Of Clare People Completing Third-Level Education Up 6%

The percentage of Clare people completing third level education has risen by 6% in six years.

Data from last year’s Census shows that for the first time, over 40% of the population of this county have reached and completed third-level.

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Of the 127,938 residents of this county who submitted a Census 2022 form, 37,332 have completed third-level education.

This is up from 29,775 in 2016 which indicates a rise of 6%, bringing Clare’s third-level completion rate up to 44%.

28% of this county’s population aged 15 or over finished their education at upper secondary while 13% did so at lower secondary and 9% only finished primary education.

Going by Local Electoral Area, people in the Kilrush region are more likely to finish education at a younger age with the average age that education ceased there being 19.9.

The average age that someone in the Ennis region finishes education meanwhile is 21.4.

The data also shows that women in Clare are more likely to reach a higher level of education than men, with 46% of females completing third-level compared to 41% of males.
