A County Clare farmer has appeared in court charged with drink driving and dangerous driving while driving his tractor.
At Ennis District Court, Padraig Malone (25) of Ballytarsna, Kilshanny in north Clare is charged with drink driving while driving his tractor at Calluragh East, Ennistymon on October 23rd last.
Mr Malone is also charged with dangerous driving his tractor on the same date at the same location.
The farmer is also charged with failing to produce his driving licence and driving without insurance on the same date at the same location.
The drink driving charge from last October is one of two drink driving charges that Mr Malone is facing from last year.
Solicitor for Mr Malone, Daragh Hassett told the court: “there are two different allegations of driving while intoxicated”.
Judge Alec Gabbett noted that the summons before the court provided two different addresses for Mr Malone.
Mr Malone with another address of Rineen, Miltown Malbay is also charged with drink driving at Deerpark, Ennistymon on July 9th 2022. On this occasion, Mr Malone was driving a car.
On the same date, Mr Malone is also charged with driving with no insurance.
In relation to the alleged October driving offence, Judge Alec Gabbett asked “is it an English car?” and Mr Hassett replied ‘tractor’.
Judge Gabbett asked is Mr Malone a contractor and Mr Malone said from the body of the court: “I am a farmer, your honour.”
Mr Hassett said that he had disclosure in the case from last July and Mr Malone would be taking a certain course on that “and we have to figure our position in relation to the second case”.
Sgt Lonergan stated that the two cases could be adjourned to May 10th and that disclosure will now be provided concerning the alleged October 2022 offences.
On Mr Hassett having disclosure on the alleged July offence, Judge Gabbett said that Mr Hassett may be able to produce “rabbits” concerning the question of insurance documentation.
In response, Mr Hassett remarked: “Bunnies are gone Judge. Easter is over.”