New Strategy Will Aim To Tackle Clare Poverty And Climate Action Simultaneously

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A new strategy aiming to simultaneously tackle poverty and climate change in Clare will be launched tonight.

The research conducted by the Clare Public Participation Network hopes to safeguard access to housing, healthcare, energy and employment while achieving a carbon neutral society.

The report entitled Securing socio-economic rights & a just transition in County Clare will aim to ensure that no person or industry will fall into the poverty trap on the way to achieving a zero emissions society.


However the findings have identified a number of sectors here to be at risk, including farmers, those living in rural areas, low income households, the travelling community and Direct Provision residents.

Particularly beef farmers, who comprise 81% of this county’s holdings, were found to be at risk due to the uncertain economic future of the practice, coupled with the requirement to drastically cut emissions.

For rural communities, meanwhile, car dependancy was found to be copperfastened in this county by a lack of a universal public transport system affecting those already living further away from their place of work and essential services.

Currently just 6% of commuters here use public transport to get to work, which is half the national average.

Elaine D’Alton who represented the Clare women’s network on the steering committee says a tailored approach is required for the specific needs of the county.

The Clare Public Participation Network has included 27 reccomendations to be considered by local and national policymakers.

Among the key priorities is the establishment of a social enterprise incubator in an unspecified deprived area of the county, with the goal of fostering job opportunities in marginalised areas.

The group is also calling on the government to extend the fully funded home retrofit scheme to all low and middle income households.

However the core principal of the report is underlined by community led development and Clare PPN Co-Ordinator, Sarah Clancy says investment in the people is the only way to secure a just transition.

You can listen to the full interview here: