
New Ennis accomodation schemes open

Two new accommodation schemes are set to open their doors in Ennis later today.

The Laurel Lodge Accommodation Centre on the Clare Road and the St Vincent de Paul’s social housing scheme on the Watery Road in Ennis will both be officially opened by Housing Minister Michael Finneran.

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Support for the schemes came from the Department of the Environment, Local Authorities, the HSE and the Clare Homeless Forum.

Laurel Lodge on the Clare Road in Ennis will provide emergency accommodation for 13 men as well as other services including housing advice, counselling and training for employment.

The St Vincent de Paul’s housing scheme on the Watery Road in Ennis consists of 12 two-bedroom houses and is aimed at those on the housing lists for a long period of time.

Although the official opening of Laurel Lodge takes place today, the facility has been operating since last January and has catered for over 90 people.

Both schemes will be officially opened later this afternoon by the Housing Minister Michael Finneran





