Neighbours urged to look out for each other over Xmas period

Residents across Clare are being urged to keep a look out for their elderly and vunerable neighbours over the festive season.

The HSE says it will continue to provide essential services for people over Christmas but is also urging the public to play its part too.


HSE Area Manager for the Mid West Region Bernard Gloster is calling on people across Clare to be  extra vigilant over the Christmas break and to check on vulnerable people who maybe at risk.

He points out that weather conditions -can be a particular problem for the elderly who may need additional support and urged neighbour check and see if they have adequate food, heating and prescription medicines.

The HSE spokesperon is also advising people to make sure that elderly family and neighbours have adequate fuel to see them through the christmas – as they are prone to hypotherma and pneumonia and that hot food and regular hot drinks are particularly important.

Last but not least  – Bernard Gloster says that loneliness too can be a major factor for some people over this festive season and that a dropping by a neighour even for a few minutes can mean a great deal to them