The CEO of MidWest Simon is accusing the government of failing to place the same level of urgency in addressing the homeless crisis as it did on the Covid-19 pandemic.
It comes as the coalition is looking for legal clearance to introduce a ban on evictions this winter.
A moratorium on evictions was enacted during the Covid-19 crisis to prevent renters from becoming homeless during the pandemic.
Calls are now being made for an eviction ban to be reintroduced on the back of the cost-of-living crisis and the threat of electricity blackouts.
Following pressure from backbench Fianna Fáil TD’s, the Taoiseach confirmed the matter was under review and that the Housing Minister is currently examining the legal requirements to introduce such a measure.
Minister Daragh O’Brien is getting advice from the Attorney General on the move, however the coalition has flagged concerns that more landlords could leave the market as a result.
While the government is arguing that the legal framework for the ban in Covid times was a separate matter, the CEO of MidWest Simon is arguing that the same level of urgency hasn’t been directed at dealing with record homeless figures.
A leading housing charity claims renters in Clare experiencing rent increases of up to 40%.
Threshold is welcoming the possibility that an eviction ban may be reintroduced for the winter months and says the moratorium during the pandemic greatly eased the pressure on tenants.
Threshold’s Western Regional Services Manager, Karina Timothy says current rental prices are forcing people out onto the street.
However, a spokesperson for landlords insists financial supports would have to be put in place for property owners if an eviction ban is brought in.
Mary Conway, spokesperson for The Irish Property Owners Association, says her members are concerned about a potential ban.
You can listen back to the full interview below