There’s been a marginal rise in the number of people on the live register in Clare in the past month.
But despite the rise of 11 across April, it’s still more than 600 less than the figure a year ago.
According to the CSO, at the end of April there were 4,657 people claiming some form of unemployment benefit in Clare.
That’s a slight rise of 11 on the March figure but when compared to April of last year, it’s a drop of 616, or 11%.
Both Ennis and East Clare have seen rises in their numbers over the past month, of 47 and 26 respectively, with 2,457 now on the live register in the county town and 613 in the East.
The figures did drop, though, in the West and North of the county.
Some 57 people came off the live register in North Clare in April leaving the total there at 789; while the number in West Clare dropped by just five to 798.
And though the county-wide figure is slightly up on March, it’s still the third consecutive month it has stayed below the 5,000 mark.