A man on trial accused of raping a woman at her County Clare home has pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual assault
The 29 year had originally faced three counts of rape and sexual assault- which he denied.
However they’re now being dropped by the prosecution and the accused was today arraigned on a new charge to which he entered a guilty plea and will be sentenced at the end of July.
On Tuesday the 29 year old accused – who cannot be named for legal reasons pleaded not guilty at the Central Criminal Court – in Ennis- to two counts of rape and one count of sexual assault against a county Clare woman at her home on January 14th last year.
The Jury was told the parties had known each other for a number of months and there was some previous intimacy between them including a sexual encounter on the night in question.
However the complainant told gardaí that further sexual contact took place without her consent when the accused forced himself on her.
She was due to give evidence in court today but shortly before lunch council for the state returned to court after discussions with the accused man’s legal team to say he could be re-arraigned on a new charge of sexual assault before the jury.
The 29 year old pleaded guilty to the count and the court heard a nolle prosqui will be entered in relation to the other charges.
Justice Paul Carney declared the accused a sexual offender and remanded him in custody for sentencing on July 30th.