
Lukewarm Response In Clare To Pension Reform Proposals

There’s been a lukewarm response in Clare to the Government’s latest pension reform proposals.

The new system would allow people to choose to keep working beyond 66 and get a higher state pension when they retire instead.

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The state pension age will remain at 66 – but new rates will be introduced linking what you earn, to the age you retire.

It’s understood workers will be able to work up until they’re 70, and will receive a higher state pension for every extra year they work.

It’s also believed companies will be banned from forcing workers to retire.

Advocacy groups such as Age Action have welcomed the move, though say the devil will be in the detail when further information on the initiative is published.

A similarly cautious welcome’s been given to the proposals in Clare.

Maurice Harvey, from this county’s branch of the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, says the sums will present a conundrum from workers.

There are also fears that people in their 60s may continue working when they are unable to, as a result of the rising cost of living.

Quin man Eugene Phillips, who’s Ireland’s first Digital Ambassador for Active Retirement Ireland, says it’s all pensioners are talking about at the moment.

He’s hopeful the State pension will be increased accordingly come September’s Budget.
