Clare County Council has apologised for what it describes as ‘failing to meet the care needs of women and children’ who were resident in Kilrush Mother and Baby Home.
A recent report found as many as 168 babies may have died at the West Clare facility in its ten years of operation.
Statement from Clare County Council
Clare County Council has now added its name to the list of local authorities across the country to apologise for its role in respect of its involvement in mother and baby homes.
While the Kilrush home was first run by the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy when it opened in 1923 and later by directly-employed lay staff, it was owned and financed by Clare County Council until its 1932 closure.
In a statement shared with Clare councillors at yesterday’s monthly meeting, the local authority acknowledged the publication of the recent report of the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes, which examined 18 institutions including the West Clare facility.
The Council offered what it described as ‘its sincere apology for its role in this dark chapter in our nation’s history.’
Clare County Council say they will actively participate with Government in furthering the development of the Action Plan in respect of the homes, which will likely see a memorial in some form be put in place in Kilrush to commemorate those who lost their lives and others who were affected by the home.
The local authority say they have already began work in relation to memorialisation and access to archives and records from Kilrush.
Clare County Council Statement on the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes
Clare County Council acknowledges the publication of the Final Report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, and the distressing findings contained in the Report.
The Report lays bare the failure of the State and society to provide support and protection to vulnerable women and children at a time of need.
Having read and carefully considered the Report findings, Clare County Council offers its sincere apology for its role in this dark chapter in our nation’s history.
Clare County Council acknowledges Chapter 16 of the Report, which relates specifically to the Kilrush-based County Nursery, which was owned and financed by Clare County Council during the period 1922-1932.
It is with profound regret that Clare County Council acknowledges its role in the failure to meet the care needs of women and children resident in the County Nursery during its decade of operation.
Following the publication of the Report, An Taoiseach Micheál Martin issued a formal apology on behalf of the State to former residents of the Mother and Baby Home institutions.
The Government now intends to give detailed consideration to the Report over the coming months with a view to developing a comprehensive Government Action Plan spanning 8 themes, as follows:
• A survivor-centred approach
• Apology
• Access to personal information
• Archiving and databases
• Education and research
• Memorialisation
• Restorative recognition
• Dignified burial.
Clare County Council will actively participate with Government in furthering the development of the Government Action Plan as it relates to local government.
Clare County Council is committed to supporting local measures that form part of the suite of follow-up actions, and has already commenced work in relation to memorialisation and access to archives and records.