
Landlords Will Find It Harder To Raise Rents And Evict Landlords

Landlords will find it harder to raise rents and evict tenants under new moves aimed at ending the ongoing row in Government over housing.

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It follows a meeting between the Environment Minister Alan Kelly and the Finance Minister Michael Noonan last night.

Yesterday, government sources said "progress is being made" after a meeting between Fine Gael and Labour ministers over the crisis.

The Irish Independent reports that a compromise deal on a housing package is in the pipeline, which will see landlords having to justify rent hikes by proving they're in line with the market in the area.

Landlords would also have to give tenants longer notice periods based on the length of time they have been renting the property.

However there appears to be no reference anymore to linking prices to inflation 

Negotiations between the two sides are ongoing but a deal is unlikely to be brought to today's cabinet meeting
