
Kilrush RNli lifeboat launched to save unmanned boat.

The Kilrush RNLI  lifeboat was last evening involved in bringing ashore an unmanned  boat which had drifted into the path of the Killimer – Tarbert ferry.

The Lifeboat received a call from the Shannon coastguard at approximatly 4-30pm  that an unmanned boat  had drifted from its mooring onto the  ferry passage line. 

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The Kilrush lifeboat was immedialy alerted and brought the boat under control apprioximatlly 45 minutes after being alerted.

The Kilrush RNLI  lifeboat was last evening involved in bringing ashore an unmanned  boat which had drifted into the path of the Killimer – Tarbert ferry.

The Lifeboat received a call from the Shannon coastguard at approximatly 4-30pm  that an unmanned boat  had drifted from its mooring onto the  ferry passage line. 

The Kilrush lifeboat was immedialy alerted and brought the boat under control apprioximatlly 45 minutes after being alerted.

The boat was then brought back under tow into Kilrush marina with the lifeboat returning to the station at 6 o clock.

Pauline Dunleavy,the lifeboat raining officer in Kilrush,says that a potantaily disatrous situation was averted by quick action from the resuce services:
