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Monday, June 17, 2024

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  • The Colum McGrath Breakfast Show
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Monday, 06:00 -08:59


Irish Beef Gains Premium Status In US Market

Irish beef is to be sold in the US as a premium brand. It means that meat from selected farms here can be stamped with...

London Police Say Attacker ‘Acted Alone’

10 people have been injured after a van was driven into a group of worshippers in a terror attack outside a mosque in north...

79 Dead Or Missing Following Grenfell Tragedy

Police say the number of people who died or are missing presumed dead after the fire at Grenfell Tower has risen to 79. Scotland Yard...

Brexit Negotiations Begin In Brussels

Negotiations on the UK leaving the EU are underway in Brussels. Today's discussions with the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier are focusing on three...

One Dead And Ten Injured In London Following Suspected Terror Attack

One person has died and 10 others are injured after a van drove into Muslim worshippers leaving a mosque in north London. British Prime Minister...

Taoiseach To Discuss Northern Political Talks With British PM

The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is travelling to London today for a meeting with the British Prime Minister. Mr Varadkar’s first overseas trip as Taoiseach will...

Dozens Killed In Portugese Forest Fires

Raging forest fires in central Portugal have killed almost 60 people. Many of the victims were trapped in their cars as they tried to escape...

Grenfell Tower Death Toll Continues To Rise

The number of people known to have died in the Grenfell Tower fire in London has risen - as emergency crews had anticipated. 30 people...

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