A resident of a nursing home in East Clare has told inspectors they’re “living in hope” of a hot shower, after a technical fault forced them to wash in cold water for several days.
It’s just one of the findings contained in the Health Information and Quality Authority’s newly-published report based on its inspection of the Lakes Nursing in Killaloe on September 25th of this year.
Following its inspection, HIQA has found the designated centre for older people at Hill Road in Killaloe not to be compliant in four separate areas and just substantially compliant in a further four.
On the day of the inspectors’ visit, the centre was at full capacity with 57 residents present, and it was noted that an adequate complement of staff was in place.
The report notes however that the condition of the premises was a cause for concern, with residents making comments about the floor covering such as “it looks damp”, “it never looks clean” and “it’s not a good look”.
It was discovered that a technical fault had resulted in a temporary disruption to the hot water supply at the facility, with one resident saying they were “living in hope” of a hot shower, but providers later assured inspectors that the issue had been resolved on the evening of the visit.
Furthermore, HIQA’s report states that the systems in place to monitor incidents to ensure residents were safeguarded from abuse were “not effective”, meaning where there was a potential safeguarding incident, it wasn’t recognised as such.
Having been found not be compliant in the areas of ‘governance and management’, ‘premises’, ‘notification of incidents’ and ‘protection’, the provider Elder Nursing Homes Limited has submitted a full compliance plan outlining how it intends to address the issues identified.
The full report can be viewed here