INMO General Secretary Says UHL Overcrowding Review Needs To Include Ennis And Nenagh

Photo © Pat Flynn

The General Secretary of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation says any review into overcrowding at the region’s main hospital must look at efficiency at every facility within the UL Hospitals Group.

The INMO is before the Oireachtas Health Committee today highlighting the issue on a day when 68 patients are on trolleys at University Hospital Limerick.

It’s understood HIQA is to inspect UHL’s emergency department to develop a strategic plan to address overcrowding, though the INMO says it’s received correspondence from the body to suggest such a move would not be ‘proportionate’ or ‘add value’.


Responding to questioning from Clare Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway, INMO General Secretary Phil Ni Sheaghdha says any independent review needs to include both Ennis and Nenagh hospitals as well as UHL.