The HSE’s Performance Management Improvement Unit is to begin engagement with the UL Hospitals Group, to ensure issues identified in a recent HIQA report are to be addressed.
It follows the continued fallout from the publication of the damning assessment into serious overcrowding issues at University Hospital Limerick.
Health Minister Stephen Donnelly and senior HSE officials held discussions yesterday on what the Department of Health describes as ‘particular pressures’ ongoing at University Hospital Limerick.
It’s understood officials involved in the expert team put together to assess overcrowding issues at UHL also sat in on the meetings, with their report expected to be completed by the end of this month.
The HSE’s Chief Operations Officer has written to senior personnel in the UL Hospitals Group to tell them the Performance Management Improvement Unit will begin ‘urgently’ engaging with them.
It’s believed the PMIU’s been tasked with ensuring issues identified in the HIQA report are addressed as quickly as possible.
The Department of Health says a ‘detailed plan’ is to be developed to ensure those issues don’t reoccur, and that plan will include things like admission avoidance, community interventions and ‘alternative pathways’ to care.
In a statement, Minister Donnelly claims ‘all necessary immediate resources’ will be committed to bring ‘safe and appropriate levels of care’ back to Limerick ‘without delay’.