
House Prices In Clare Increasing At Higher Rate Than National Average

House prices in Clare are increasing at a higher rate than the national average.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show that prices rose here by over 3% in the year to November.

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The average price for a new or existing dwelling in Clare in the twelve months to November 2023 was €240,500.

This represents an increase of €8,250 or 3.5% from the previous month.

Nationally meanwhile, prices rose by 2.9% over the same period which means prices in Clare are going up at a higher rate than the country overall.

Despite this, the average price for a new dwelling in Clare in the month of November was the third-lowest nationwide at €290,000.

The Ennis eircode area remains the most expensive region to buy a house in the county with the average price there being €275,000.

This is followed by Shannon at €210,000 and Kilrush at €177,500.

Just 65 homes were purchased in Clare in November of last year which is almost half the figure for the same month in 2022 which was 127.
