
Hopes That Meeting Will Shed Light On Plans To Tackle Overcrowding Crisis

The chairman of the HSE's Regional Health Forum West hopes a meeting with representatives from UL Hospitals Group next week will shed light on plans to tackle overcrowding at the region's main hospital.

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It comes as Emergency Department Nurses from around the country gather in Dublin today to decide on whether to ballot for industrial action over what they say is a deepening crisis.

The HSE's Regional Health Forum West is to meet with the CEO of UL Hospitals Group next week to discuss ongoing issues surrounding overcrowding at the region's main hospital.

Its Chairman, Kilmaley Councillor Tom Mc Namara raised the issue at the forum's meeting this month and he says measures have to be put in place to ease the burden on the region's emergency department once and for all.

Figures released by the INMO show a 42 per cent increase in the number of people waiting on trolleys at University Hospital Limerick over the past year.

Councillor McNamara hopes the upcoming meeting will shed some light on plans being put in place to prevent a similar increase in the coming year.

It comes as nurses from emergency departments around the country gather in Dublin today to discuss the overcrowding crisis.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation organised the meeting, saying the number of people on trolleys has increased by 28 per cent every year for five years across out country's hospitals.

General Secretary of the INMO Liam Doran says patient care is being compromised.
