
Home Heating Oil Thefts In West And North Clare Prompts Warning From Gardaí

Residents are being warned to take steps to ensure their home heating oil is secure, after two tanks at homes in North and West Clare were targetted by thieves.

Sometime between the 5th and 12th December, a half tank of home heating oil was siphoned from a tank at the rear of a house in the Ardnaculla estate in Ennistymon.

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While a full tank was stolen from a tank at the rear of a house in Sycamore Drive, Kilrush on the 15th of this month.


Clare’s Crime Prevention Officer, Sergeant Triona Brooks has these tips for residents.

“Security lights / sensors can have a very positive effect and make property a much harder target for the thief.

“Invest in a good quality closed shackle padlock and fit it to the tank opening. A wooden or metal fence, trellis or wall can give significant protection to the tank and is probably the strongest method of making it hard for the thief to get at. A metal or grill cage with a lockable access point across the top of this wall or fence can further improve security. .

“Remote oil level gauges are available which will set off an audible alarm when the oil level drops dramatically”, she concluded.
