
HIQUA criticises HSE over inaction at Ennis nursing home

HIQA has found that the HSE has made no progress in addressing issues that it had raised about the suitability of St. Joseph’s Hospital.

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The independent authority has found that ongoing issues at the Ennis facility impact on the dignity of it’s residents, but the HSE says they’re difficult to address given economic constraints.

This newly-published report follows an unannounced two-day inspection of St. Joseph’s by the Health Information and Quality Authority, undertaken last November.

The report states the age, design and layout of the building at Lifford Road, Ennis presents many challenges and states that this ‘significant issue’…’impacted on the privacy and dignity’ of it’s 118 residents.

It’s also critical that in the 9 months since the previous inspection ‘no progress’ had been made ‘in relation to the unsuitability of the building’ for long-term residential care.

In response, a representative for the Health Service Executive states 1.8 million euro has been invested ‘in the infrastructure of St. Joseph’s Hospital in the past 3 to 4 years’, including fire safety works in all units.  The statement goes onto say ‘there is a significant challenge in undertaking the outstanding works, given the current economic and budgetary position.’

Otherwise, the report into St. Joseph’s Hospital found measures had taken to protect the safety of residents, and complimented the standard of catering and access to GP and healthcare professionals.






